Excellent ! Baturaja Cement’s White Clay Production Process Receives Patent from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights

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PALEMBANG – PT Semen Baturaja Tbk (SMBR) as a subsidiary of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) succeeded in obtaining a patent from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (KemenkumHAM) of the Republic of Indonesia.

SMBR received a patent through an invention or discovery regarding the “White Clay Production Process as Raw Material for NPK Fertilizer” with Patent Number IDP000090055. White Clay is one of the important raw materials in making NPK fertilizer. This material functions as an adhesive between the elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium which make up NPK fertilizer.

SMBR itself has been exploring the business potential of White Clay since 2019. This is one of the company’s strategies in dealing with cement oversupply. SMBR has been conducting research and development of the white clay production process for several years. This production process is considered more efficient and produces white clay of better quality.

SMBR President Director Suherman Yahya said that this patent was an important achievement for the company. “This patent is proof of SMBR’s commitment to continue to innovate and produce products using quality raw materials,” he said.

In terms of revenue, sales of White Clay until the third quarter of 2023 experienced growth of 13%, reaching IDR 27.62 billion compared to the same period in the previous year. This growth in White Clay sales also contributed to an increase in company revenue of 10%.

“By obtaining this patent, SMBR will have a competitive advantage in producing white clay for NPK fertilizer. “Apart from that, this patent also provides benefits for the national fertilizer industry, because it will increase the availability of quality white clay raw materials,” added Suherman. (*)

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